Blended Cooking Skills and Medical Science
Culinary Medicine is simply the art of cooking for health. As defined by the American College of Preventive Medicine, it is the practice of helping patients use nutrition and good cooking habits to restore and maintain health. It’s a new field that combines important scientific principles related to nutrition, behaviour and medicine. Culinary medicine offers a simple approach to understand how food and cooking relate to personal health, habits, and health care goals. It is an important self-care tool studied by medical professional and implemented at the practitioner level to better counsel patients and improve health outcomes.
This culinary medicine certification course emphasizes how healthy meals can be sustainable and helps you in a Jumpstart to a Healthy Lifestyle. Specifically tailored for anyone struggling with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, and cancer.
Get FREE 14-Day Lifestyle Program Guide that will help you achieve your health goals and a FREE plant-based cooking resource.
Basic Culinary Medicine Course
- 7 self-paced online modules
- Webinars/Virtual Classes
Lifestyle Program Guide
- Lifestyle Data Analytics
- Remote Lifestyle Program Guide
Culinary Medicine Ebook
- Guide to Culinary Skills and Medical Science
- Over 400 pages of reference (for full subscription)
Example Curriculum
- Managing Heart Disease - I
- Managing Heart Disease - II
- Module 8: Task 1
- Quiz 7
- Reflective Journal - Heart Disease
- Cooking Session 3 - Heart Disease
- Managing Diabetes Mellitus - I
- Managing Diabetes Mellitus - II
- Managing Diabetes Mellitus - III
- Module 8: Task 2
- Quiz 8
- Reflective Journal - Diabetes Mellitus
- Cooking Session 4 - Diabetes Mellitus
- Managing Overweight and Obesity - I
- Managing Overweight and Obesity - II
- Module 8: Task 3
- Quiz 9
- Reflective Journal - Overweight and Obesity
- Cooking Session 5 - Overweight & Obesity
- Cancer Recovery
- Quiz 10
- Reflective Journal - Cancer Recovery
- Module 9: Task 1
- Cooking Session 6 - Cancer Recovery
- Kidney Disease Trend
- Quiz 11
- Reflective Journal - Kidney Disease
- Module 9: Task 2
- Cooking Session 7 - Kidney Disease
- Fatty Liver and Gallbladder Disease
- Quiz 12
- Reflective Journal - Fatty Liver and Gallbladder Disease
- Module 9: Task 3
- Cooking Session 8 - Fatty Liver and Gallbladder Disease
- Hypertension and Stroke (38:56)
- Quiz 13
- Reflective Journal - Hypertension and Stroke
- Module 10: Task 1
- Cooking Session 9 - Hypertension & Stroke
- Allergy & Hypersensitivity
- Quiz 14
- Reflective Journal - Allergy & Hypersensitivity
- Module 10: Task 2
- Cooking Session 10 - Allergy & Hypersensitivity
- The Young People, Women, and Elderly
- Quiz 15
- Module 10: Task 3
- Reflective Journal - The Young, Children, and Elderly
- Cooking Session 11 - The Young, Children, and Elderly
Success stories can change Lives..
"My life is back because of Culinary Medicine. I can walk alone and take care of myself again without help. My medications were cut to more than half after 30 days in the program. It's never too late to bring your health back."
- CP Robles