Lifestyle REDO addresses the Modifiable Risk Factors for Non-Communicable Diseases

Unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use all increase the risk of NCD.
NCDs perish 41 million people each year, equivalent to 74% of all deaths globally.
17 million people prematurely die from NCD before age 70; 86% of these deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries.

Behavioural Factors

Modifiable behaviours such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use increase the risk of NCDs.

Metabolic Factors

Increased blood pressure, overweight/obesity, and high levels of fat in the blood are metabolic risk factors that increase the risk of NCDs.

Socio-economic Factors

Poverty is closely linked with NCDs. Low-resource settings, health-care costs for NCDs quickly drain household resources and lifestyle programs are proven solutions.

Why it Works?

Discover simple choices that can make a significant difference in health outcome.

  • Learn how to let go of limiting self-beliefs about what can and cannot achieve.
  • Develop eating habits based on the taste that will promote health.
  • Learn to incorporate regular movement and physical activity into daily routine.
  • Find purpose, improve life balance, build resilience and discover self-value.
  • Get involved with a supportive community that will help achieve health goals.

How it Works?

Lifestyle REDO provide an interface for learning, support, and resources emphasizing the 6 key interventions of lifestyle medicine:

  • Weekly Shared medical appointments
  • An interface that serves as a hub that guides participants through the program 
  • Core pillar video content to teach participants how to apply lifestyle medicine to build lasting healthy habits
  • Program Journal to track progress
  • Culinary medicine module and online meal planner
  • Educational materials such as articles, and “explainer” videos on topics related to lifestyle medicine